This is from Bill Johnson's Monthly newsletter about the responsibility (and the privilege) of living the supernatural Christian life:

The Christian life is one huge impossibility. There is not an aspect of the Christian life that you can do without the Holy Spirit that has any significance or value. If you can do it without Him, you probably will. To see the assignment clearly, puts the fear of God in a person's heart. That is why He says in Luke 12:32, "Do not fear, little flock, for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom."
What is so fearful about that? It is a kingdom of impossibilities. If you see it clearly, there will be trembling as you receive this gift that He gives you. You have been drafted into a world that feeds on things that are impossible. The ministry gifts that you and I have, whatever it is that the Lord gives each of us to operate and function in, those things are wonderful, but they are only wonderful when the breath of God is on them.
Apart from that, they may appeal to people around you, we may applaud each other, but the significance of having an effect on eternity only takes place when your gift is like the sail of a boat that the breath of God blows into. It has purpose only with wind. Apart from wind the sail has no purpose. The giftings in our lives only serve purpose when the supernatural breathes across whom we are and what we have to offer. Bill Johnson