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The Church of the Future and the Now

Pastor Jim French

Bill Johnson has some amazing teaching the Future of the Church


This is the primary focus for all prayer--if it exists in heaven, it is to be loosed on earth. It's the praying Christian who looses heaven's expression here. When the believer prays according to the revealed will of God, faith is specific and focused. Faith grabs hold of that reality. Enduring faith doesn't let go. Such an invasion causes the circumstances here to line up with heaven. The critics of this view sarcastically say, So I guess we're supposed to pray for streets of gold. No! But our streets should be known for the same purity and blessing as heaven--"Let our cattle bear without mishap and without loss, let there be no outcry in our streets!" (Psalm 144:14 NKJV) Everything that happens here is supposed to be a shadow of heaven. In turn, every revelation that God gives us of heaven is to equip us with a prayer focus.

How much of heaven has God purposed to become manifest here on earth? No one knows for sure. But we do know through Church history that it's more than we have now. And we know through the Scripture that it's even more than has ever entered our minds.

The will of God is seen in the ruling presence of God, for "where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty." (2 Corinthians 3:17 NKJV) Wherever the Spirit of the Lord is demonstrating the Lordship of Jesus, liberty is the result. Yet another way to say it is that when the King of kings manifests His dominion, the fruit of that dominion is LIBERTY. That is the realm called The Kingdom of God. God, in response to our cries, brings His world into ours.

Conversely, if it is not free to exist in heaven, it must be bound here. Again, through prayer we are to exercise the authority given to us. "I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; and whatever you bind on earth shall have been bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall have been loosed in heaven."(Matthew 18:18 NASB) Notice the phrase shall have been. The implication is that we can only bind or loose here what has already been bound or loosed there.

From When Heaven Invades Earth, Chapter 5 "Praying Down Heaven", Pages 59-60.

Psalm 107-20.png
Psalm 118-17.png

About Me

I am an ordained minister in my local non-denominational church, Hope Chapel, in East Greenbush, NY.  I have been involved in the healing ministry for nearly 20 years and I have been privileged to see the Lord do some amazing things.  It is my passion to see the body of Christ walk in the fullness of divine health and to demonstrate Jesus' love by "Healing the sick, raising the dead and casting our demons" (Matthew 10:8).  God wants you well!

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