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Spiritual Ripples

Pastor Jim French

When our sons were young one of their favorite things to do (being boys) was to throw rocks in the water and watch the splash and the ripples form. On walks Mom and Dad would be forced to make large detours to satisfy this wonderful childhood fascination with rocks and water. We remember those times fondly. Being a parent is one of the great joys of our human experience.

The Christian life has (rightly so) often been compared to the ripples made from a rock thrown in a lake. What we do, both good or bad has an effect that “ripples” out well beyond our immediate circumstance. This is true not only in the physical world, but in the spiritual also.

We have the power to create either a positive or a negative spiritual atmosphere around us. Spiritual ripples are created through our words, actions and even our thoughts (because our thoughts are translated into words and or actions).

Our words, attitudes, and actions are like spiritual magnets – but instead of attracting opposites they attract “like” spiritual forces. Positive words (words of faith) and a positive attitude attract positive spiritual forces. Worry, negative words (words of doubt) & negative expectations attract negative spiritual forces. We receive what we speak and do. Jesus says, “...with the measure you use, it will be measured to you” (Matthew 7:2). This is part of the Kingdom Principle of sowing and reaping. You harvest what you plant. If we plant good, positive things we will reap the same. If we plant evil, negative things we will reap those.

Positive words or expressions of faith actually release God's power and anointing into our environment. Every negative word or expression of doubt release satan's power into the environment. Obviously releasing God's power into a situation is our goal.

We all enjoy being around a positive person. They make us feel upbeat and encouraged and everyone around them feels good. They are actually sending out positive spiritual ripples which creates a positive spiritual environment around them. That positive environment affects others positively.

Being around a negative or complaining person is a whole different story. We all know folks who are continually finding fault with someone or something or who continually focus on the negative. It can be a difficult spending any amount of time with them. And when one person starts complaining the whole atmosphere in the room changes and soon everyone else is complaining. The negative spiritual ripples created by one person affects all the others. The Israelites' complained over and over during their 40 year trek through the desert and this greatly displeased the Lord, (Numbers 11:1, 4-6, 19, 20, etc). When we create negative spiritual ripples it displeases Him because it separates us from Him and it affects those around us.

God's will for us is to live in an expectant atmosphere of love, peace and faith. That is what we were created for. As Christians were are admonished to give others the same.

Let's make the choice today through God's power, working with Him to choose to speak and express the positive in our lives so we receive the same. Enough with the negative!


Jim §

Psalm 107-20.png
Psalm 118-17.png

About Me

I am an ordained minister in my local non-denominational church, Hope Chapel, in East Greenbush, NY.  I have been involved in the healing ministry for nearly 20 years and I have been privileged to see the Lord do some amazing things.  It is my passion to see the body of Christ walk in the fullness of divine health and to demonstrate Jesus' love by "Healing the sick, raising the dead and casting our demons" (Matthew 10:8).  God wants you well!

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