I think as Christians we can hear certain phrases so often that we become immune to their import. We enjoy the thought of the baby Jesus laying in a manger surrounded by angelic looking cows, sheep and donkeys - the shepherds surrounding them and worshiping them. It is a wonderful picture. But when we stop to think of what the statement "God become man" really means it is astounding.
Can our finite human minds possibly even conceptualize the thought that the creator of the universe - the great I AM - the self-sustaining One - condescended to become one of us - simply because of His great love for us? When we think of the enormity of God and our own insignificance it is a mind-boggling thought.
Andrew Wommack writes: "Jesus was Almighty God. Yet He laid aside His glory and became a man. He was a sinless man but a man nonetheless. What humility–that the Creator would become His own creation."
On this Christmas let us not forget the One who became man for us - the One who took on human flesh and chose to die that we could live forever with Him. Let us look into the face of God and be thankful for His sacrifice.